Monday, December 23, 2019

Lyrics - ジャングルジムから降りられない (Jungle Gym kara Orirarenai) by まにきゅあ団

From ラジヲまにきゅあ1374KHz of 1994, "Can't get off the jungle gym". As can be seen here, this song was later covered with Aki Hata in ANAKREON's album 泡沫~うたかた~, rendered slower and having a more serious feeling. I see the song as another proof of Ikuko Ebata's amazing talent, not only as a vocalist but as a lyricist. Weaving such childish and vain emotions into a serious and touching romantic song is no mere feat. To be able to peek into the heart of a young maiden in love, is this not the true meaning of moe? Unfortunately there was no such consensus among my friends, some of whom viewed it as slightly disorganized and unfinished. Others also associated Shinji Hosoe's composition with 80s disco and older anime opening themes.  What do you think?

大人のフリして 聞き分けよくして
キミに都合のいい女 演じてきた
わかってるフリして なんでもなくふるまって
一番に なれないの イジワル!

降りられず 置いてけぼり なのなの
震えて 凍えている

あふれる嫉妬を 無理やり隠して
キミに都合のいい女 演じてきた
独り占めしたくて ハートがこがれてる

夢中でしがみついて いるいる

このままじゃ 苦しくて 死んじゃう!

あなたの名前呼ぶの バカバカ

Pretending to be an adult, being well-behaved
I played being a good girl for your convenience
Pretending to understand, harmlessly behaving
The distance between us has gotten closer, but

it's cruel if I'm not first place!

Heart on the top of the jungle gym,
without climbing down, I've been left abandoned
Heart on the top of the jungle gym,
I'm shaking and freezing

Forcibly hiding my overflowing envy
I played being a good girl for your convenience
Wanting you all for myself, my heart yearns
The distance between us hasn't yet shrunk

 Right around now he's with that girl all lovey-dovey!

Heart within the cage of the jungle gym,
In obsession I'm clinging to you
Heart within the cage of the jungle gym,
Wandering about in this maze
 At this rate I'll die in pain!

 Heart on the top of the jungle gym,
Calling out your name, stupid stupid
You know my heart well, but
you're pretending not to know

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Lyrics - 白いカチューシャ (White Katyusha) by Jesahm feat. トリ音

From Katamari Aventur Damacy - Touch My Katamari's 3rd OST CD. It was sent to me by a friend who likes the Katamari Damacy line of games very much (and their soundtrack in particular). I thought it was too cute not to warrant a translation for him. Moe moe indeed.


花柄 まだまだ真っ白よ
お願い王様 叶うなら

ああ白いカチューシャの刺繍は そう 愛の塊
東京 神田 秋葉原


"From today I'm mated
Mom, are you watching?"

An apron skirt I received from mom
The flower pattern's still pure white
Please, King, if it comes true
Please give me a heart that doesn't break

Ah, the white headband's embroidery is like that, a clump of love
Tōkyō, Kanda, Akihabara
While I was crying rather anxiously
I looked up and there's a beautiful star in the sky
Mom, are you watching?

Nyan nyan nyan nyan
I can't say it nyan
I can't become a moe moe kitten
But I want to become an adult
Mom, are you watching?