Saturday, August 3, 2019

CD Showcase - P・S・G Music collection Vol. 1 by PARSEC SOUND GROUP (1992)

I recently received a tip about the existence of a previously unheard of doujin music circle operating in the early 1990s. The information was embedded within a list in a personal website from the early 2000s, of "doujin CDs, etc. out of circulation" - music albums that were no longer sold through firsthand channels. Fortunately, almost thirty years after it was originally released, a single copy was still changing hands and sold on the Internet, and I was in the right time and place to purchase it..
It is provided as a YouTube video, in full, with tracklist embedded within the video description.

This album is the work of four people: ものえ (monoe), gwn, DEN and Napo.sun. Each provided several of their own tracks, and DEN was in charge of designing the album cover and booklet (or "manual", in his own language). The booklet mainly includes artist comments about the production of each track (detailing the theming and methods of production). The album is dated 1992 on its exterior, but the booklet dates 1993, so I assume this particular copy was not the first production. Music collection Vol. 2 was released in 1994, as per the list mentioned above. Napo.sun later participated in SYNERGY MUSIC NETWORK's SYNERGY4 GENERATE.

I think gwn's use of sampling in "Sure Smile" and "Image Unit" is very impressive. "Image Unit", in particular, felt to me like a much more modern hip-hop track (A blend of Kendrick Lamar and FOREST, perhaps?). When I asked a friend about it, though, he told me it was more like late 80s disco. It's definitely not your run-of-the-mill DTM, so I wonder where gwm got the inspiration from.
What do you think about this album?

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, is it possible to pay for the files ? I bet you won't part with this treasure... Let me know tanks !
